La rivista è stata digitalmente editata il 23/02/2024.
The issue became available online on Feb. 23rd, 2024.
Leading article
di Bruno Maria Bilotta

Genitorialità precoce:
indifferenza o poca attenzione?
Early parenting: indifference or poor attention?
di Anna Civita, Gaetano Monaco

Abstract: Early parenting is a complex phenomenon that continues to be a significant social concern, affecting many adolescents around the world. However, the scientific debate in recent years on this delicate topic seems to have come to a halt. Why isn’t it talked about anymore, or rather, is it talked about less and less? This article aims to provide an in-depth analysis the phenomenon, through the review of existing literature and empirical research, exploring the causes, consequences, and implications of early parenting, which involves both young parents and their children. The socio-cultural, economic, and health-related factors of the individual involved are examined in order to highlight the need for ongoing comprehensive strategies and support systems necessary to address the challenges these young people face in preserving and promoting their well-being. and that of the offspring. The research findings presented in this article contribute to the current body of knowledge and aim to provide food for thought in the field of social well-being.
Keywords: early parenting, adolescence, health, education, self-representation.
Economic democracy
and social participation
di Enrico Damiani di Vergada Franzetti

Abstract: The participatory system and the concertation between the social partners are part of the broader concept of “Economic Democracy”, meaning by this expression all the institutional, legal and economic policy measures capable of guaranteeing pluralistic economic action, oriented towards respect and to sharing mutual positions and interests: suitable for promoting the growth of the material and spiritual well-being of society. The analysis of these tools and measures can constitute the key to understanding future national, supranational, international and transnational economic development.
Keywords: Participatory system, concertation, economic democracy, work.
The “methane problem” as an ongoing challenge to climate change communication and understanding
When data estimate uncertainties become a social uncertainty
di Francesco D’Amico

Abstract: Climate change is without any doubt a major issue for humankind under several points of view: it poses demographic, economic, ethical, scientific, social, and technological problems, though the major concern is the immense damage caused to ecosystems and biodiversity. The imminent threat to a considerable number of currently living species is now well demonstrated by numerous studies, up to the point where some have argued that the sixth mass extinction of the Phanerozoic Eon is now occurring because of anthropogenic activities. While the climate change process as a whole has been largely described by the scientific community, a major agent of climate change – methane – is still puzzling scientists due to large fluctuations in annual growth rates; these uncertainties may have remarkable consequences on climate change communication, especially in a society that is still struggling to accept the fact that actions have to be taken in order to mitigate the effects of anthropogenic climate change. This paper is aimed at tackling the so called “methane problem” in terms of climate change communication and ultimately propose the fundamentals of a method said communication efforts could be based on, via a proper integration of social, Atmospheric and Earth sciences.
Keywords: climate change communication, climate anxiety, methane, Earth Sciences, Atmospheric Sciences, Environmental Sociology.
Il conflitto sociale.
Per una ridefinizione transdisciplinare
Social conflict. Towards a transdisciplinary redefinition
di Antonio Dimartino

Abstract: The main purpose of this paper is analyzing social conflict. The paper addresses the possibility of considering social conflict as a productive phenomenon, serving as a catalyst for social changes. Ralf Dahrendorf ’s conflict theory considers social conflict as a productive occurrence, though under certain circumstances. Dahrendorf recognized the importance of the relationship between conflict and change: conflict also leads to change and development. In particular, the author of this article demonstrates the futility of any attempt to suppress or dissolve social conflicts, recalling philosophically the work “Éloge du conflict” by Miguel Benasayag and Angélique Del Rey in the process.
Keywords: Ralf Dahrendorf, social conflict, development, structural changes.
La misura dei legami sociali.
Una proposta metodologica per osservare dimensioni immateriali della fioritura umana The measurement of social connections. A proposal for a methodology meant to observe immaterial dimensions of human flourishing
di Maria Licia Paglione, Andrea Gallelli

Abstract: The article presents an empirical methodology, related to the scientific and interdisciplinary debate on the issue of development, focusing especially on the importance of the quality of relational dimension and its assessment for the human flourishing. The methodology – based on the convergence of two different, but consistent approaches, Paradigm of the gift and Social Network Analysis – has been tested in field work which focused on the “relational effects” of development aid delivered in the context of a specific project promoted by AMU-Azione per un Mondo Unito, an italian NGO, in a Brazilian region, called Branquinha.
Keywords: human flourishing, relational goods, methodology, gift, network.
Siria, sanzioni internazionali, diritti umani e ideologia: quali prospettive di pace
Syria, international sanctions, human rights and ideology: on peace perspectives
di Francesco Tortorella

Abstract: International primary and secondary sanctions are producing disruptive indirect effects on the human rights of the Syrian population. It is necessary to contextualize them into the historical framework of the ongoing armed conflict in Syria and the international relations linked to it, to understand their ratio. An ideological approach of the elites of Western governments led them to impose unilateral sanctions on Syria, which are illegal and illegitimate from the point of view of international law. Empirical evidence of the effects of sanctions on human rights and on the population’s access to humanitarian assistance is widely available and analyzed. There are possible prospects for emerging from the impasse, to ensuring that the dispute is framed in international law and the protection of the population’s human rights.
Keywords: International sanctions, human rights, ideological approach, overcompliance, war.