Leading article
di Bruno Maria Bilotta
DOI: 10.36158/97888929514951

Il Covid-19 e il “mistero” Africa. Fra diritto alla differenza e globalizzazione ansiogena: considerazioni socio-antropologiche
Covid-19 and the African “mystery”. Between the right to difference and anxiogenic globalization: socio-anthropological thoughts
di Elisa Pelizzari
DOI: 10.36158/97888929514952

Abstract: This socio-anthropological contribution intends to focus attention on Africa, a space that has remained on the margins of the flow of information that has submerged us – since the first months of 2020 – with the worsening of the health crisis connected to Covid-19. The analysis concerns in particular the sub-Saharan countries of the French-speaking area, with some references to South Africa, the state of the continent most affected by the pandemic. The period taken into consideration extends from March to September 2020 and the aim is to show how, compared to the first catastrophic hypotheses on the consequences of the spread of the virus in Africa, the reality on the ground is turning out to be quite different.
Keywords: Africa, Covid-19, socio-anthropology of illness, human rights, mass media.
Quattro modelli di prevenzione rivisitati alla luce della pandemia Covid-19
Four prevention models revised following the Covid-19 pandemic
di Jean-Pierre Dozon
DOI: 10.36158/97888929514953

Abstract: This anthropological article proposes to revisit four prevention models concerning illness (model of profane construction, magical-religious model, Pasteur model and contractual model) in light of the Covid-19 pandemic. As a result, it shows that their implementation having been the responsibility of the States, they have had to change variably into states of emergency; which revealed a strong tension between the global turn of the pandemic and the responses in terms of global health.
Keywords: Covid-19, socio-anthropology of illness, model of secular constraint, global pandemic, states of emergency.
Da ebola al coronavirus. La disuguaglianza sociale e la solidarietà viste dall’Africa
From ebola to coronavirus. Social inequality and solidarity as seen from Africa
di Abdoulaye Wotem Somparé
DOI: 10.36158/97888929514954

Abstract: Starting from his experience as a socio-anthropological consultant to the WHO at the time of the Ebola outbreak in the Republic of Guinea (2014-2015), the author analyzes the implications of the current coronavirus pandemic (March 2020), drawing some lessons from what happened in West Africa some years ago (Rep. of Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia).
Keywords: Africa (Guinea), ebola, Covid-19, social inequalities, socio-anthropology of illness.
SARS CoV2: un’emergenza complessa. Contraddizioni, conflitti e sostenibilità
SARS CoV2: a complex emergency. Contradictions, conflicts and sustainability
di Maria Luisa Maniscalco
DOI: 10.36158/97888929514955

Abstract: The Covid-19 pandemic has represented and continues to represent a systemic risk of considerable importance that has affected many aspects of collective life at all levels. The intersection of the different levels did not leave the political decision makers of the various countries of the globe indifferent, all called to respond to this challenge and committed to developing emergency strategies.
Keywords: Covid-19, Sars, sociology, state of emergency, conflicts.
Paura, Sicurezza e Solidarietà sociale
Fear, Security, Safety and Social solidarity
di Bruno Maria Bilotta
DOI: 10.36158/97888929514956

Abstract: Fear can concern both a single social subject and collective ones: this clarification seems pivotal, precisely to underline how social fear can widespread but not in a generalized way or generic trend, a trend that affects social groups, or specific, identifiable social subjects, with precise social interests, and with equally specific and neat socio-economic characteristics, in a nutshell: more generic social groups and with different, heterogeneous social characteristics. Solidarity means making a community of communities, that is, makingthe world a genuine common community, especially and above all in moments of fear, anguish and under the siege of a pandemia.
Keywords: Fear, security, safety, social solidarity.
Covid-19 e potere burocratico tra stato d’emergenza ed esigenza di politica in Europa
Covid-19 and bureaucratic power between state of emergency and need of politics in Europe
di Francesco Petrillo
DOI: 10.36158/97888929514957

Abstract: The Covid-19 pandemic definitively breaks out veins discovered in the ganglia of Western socio-political systems, that regulat contemporary complex societies. Bureaucratic power, for more than a century capable of absorbing and neutralizing political power, shows itself unable, with its methods and procedures, to face the unexpected, not only in the possible legal reality (Weimar) of Schmittian memory, but also to the necessity and urgency due to social terror – not preordained for the purpose of political war (foreign fighters not structured in strategies of tension) – and to the sudden epidemic that cannot be controlled with the available pharmacology and health systems. From the ashes of the reassuring convictions of bureaucratic rationality the need for politics emerges.
Keywords: Bureaucratic power, political power, exception, pandemic, terror.
L’Afrique et le Sénégal dans la pandémie, quelques notes pour une observation socio-anthropologique de la crise
Africa and Senegal in the pandemic, remarks for a socio-anthropological observation of the crisis
di Felice Maria Barlassina
DOI: 10.36158/97888929514958

Abstract: The emergence of the virus in Africa and Senegal has manifested a different incidence and specific social consequences. This essay proposes a reading of African and Senegalese society in the context of the pandemic, starting from some observations, subject to cultural comparison, expressed by Edgard Morin, in one of his recent books.
Keywords: Africa, Senegal Pandemic, Senegalese society, Edgard Morin. Anthropology and sociology.
Global Governance di una Crisi Pandemica
Global governance of a pandemic crisis
di Emilia Ferone, Sara Petroccia, Andrea Pitasi
DOI: 10.36158/97888929514959

Abstract: Global Governance of a Pandemic Crisis begins with the central argument that leads to the theoretical, epistemological and policy goal of this essay: a global problem, lasting at least two years and with indirect consequences destined to cover a much longer time horizon, with universalistic scientific contents (such as a virus, for example, that has neither passport, nor nationality) cannot be addressed with local political solutions, affected by methodological nationalism over a period of ephemeral contingencies and an increasingly circumstantial and localized geo-territorial policy. We cannot imagine tackling global problem setting and problem solving through contingent legal and political tools or even by letting news turn a fairy into a postmodern language game. Five operational questions are therefore formulated as an escape from a simplistic political – journalistic – national approach that is totally inadequate to deal with the complexity of the current pandemic crisis.
Keywords: Hypercitizen, European Union, Pandemic Crisis, Methodological Nationalism, World Citizen.