International journal of legal sociology and human rights

Numero 1/2019 (Vol. 1)

Leading article

di Bruno Maria Bilotta
DOI: 10.4399/97888255243381

Vincenzo Tomeo: un’eredità
Vincenzo Tomeo: a legacy

di Bruno Maria Bilotta
DOI: 10.4399/97888255243382

Abstract: Thirty years after the death of Vincenzo Tomeo, he proposes a scientific memory of the development of his thought together with some personal memories. His legacy, which is almost entirely focused on an innovative and unique proposal of social conflict, is more a legacy of the highest scientific and human value.

Keywords: Tomeo, I remember, Conflict, Judge, Interpret

Antropologia giuridica e diritti umani. Dichiarazioni di principi e realtà interculturali
Legal anthropology and human rights. Declarations on principles and intercultural contexts

di Felice Maria Barlassina
DOI: 10.4399/97888255243383

Abstract : The anthropological of law approach to Human rights declarations in Islam and in African human right shows a particularity culture origin and specificity of human right consideration. The analysis is an accurately investigation in the African and Islam traditional law. The Human Right perspective is strictly bound to original and traditional culture. The concepts of identity and alterity are the most important references to right implementation in the human right system. 

Keywords: Anthropology of law, Human rights, Islam, African Law, human rights declarations, Identity, alterity.

Legal Decision vs. Security State

di Francesco Petrillo
DOI: 10.4399/97888255243384

Abstract: Legal positivism of modernity, built on the will of the legislature, is today an  interesting issue, considering its differences with logical legal positivism, because it is based on a political decision. Being constructed on a willed decision, it is intertwined with the need for constant recourse to the courts of justice to settle pre- or post- legal questions, regarding radical anthropological or existential problems of one individual or of the whole society. The studies on legal decision-making help us also to better understand recent security legislation, in some countries – including European countries – against terrorism, without any opposition from national and supranational political and legal systems.

Keywords: Law, Courts of Justice, Costitutitional Charters, Legal decision-making, Security Stat

Mounier: persona e comunicazione
Mounier: person and communication

di Gennaro Cicchese
DOI: 10.4399/97888255243385

Abstract (ITA): Questo saggio affronta il rapporto tra persona e comunicazione in E. Mounier. La persona è un essere relazionale, segnato da una capacità di apertura infinita al mondo e agli altri. Ciò accade attraverso un processo di personalizzazione: prendere le distanze dall’isolamento dell’individuo per mettersi in gioco nella relazione e trascendersi nel dono di sé. Per attuare ciò bisogna passare dalla vita anonima e indifferente a quella personale e solidale attuando una rivoluzione personalista e comunitaria: si tratta di un vero rinascimento, perché la dimensione personale è anche e costitutivamente interpersonale. La comunicazione costituisce un fatto primario, segnato da un movimento che Mounier riassume in cinque parole: uscire da sé, comprendere, assumere, dare e essere fedele, in uno spirito di libertà e gratuità che è la quintessenza dell’essere personale, e si compie nell’amore. Uno scacco alla comunione è sempre possibile perché l’esistenza umana è segnata da opacità, perché il dialogo rischia il malinteso e l’essere che noi siamo non è sempre amore da mattina a sera. Tuttavia il valore antropologico e ontologico della comunicazione è riaffermato insieme a quello dell’unità dell’umanità nel suo percorso storico.

Abstract (ENG): This paper addresses the interaction between person and communication as described by E. Mounier. A person is considered as an irrational being, characterized by an infinite way to open their mind to the others and the entire world. All of this is possible thanks to a personalization process: taking distance from the isolation of an individual and accept the challenge in order to achieve transcendence. In order to achieve this it’s necessary to switch from an anonymous and indifferent life to a personal and social one via a community-driven revolution: this is a true renaissance, because the personal view is, consequently, also an interpersonal one. Communication is self-established as a primary fact, marked by a movement that Mounier sums up in five words: self-estranging, learning, assuming, giving and being loyal, in a spirit of liberty which is the quintessence of being, and this is fulfilled in love. A potential checkmate on communion is always possible because human existence is marked by opacity, because dialogue may drive into misunderstanding and simply because what we are isn’t always related to love day-round. However, the anthropological and ontological value of communication is reaffirmed alongside that of union in humanity and its history.

Keywords: Persona, Comunicazione, Dialogo, Comunione, Rinascimento, Mounier.

Definire il ruolo dello scienziato sociale
Defining the role of a social scientist

di Enrico Damiani di Vergada Franzetti
DOI: 10.4399/97888255243386

Abstract: This work deals with the role of the social scientist in the production process of knowledge that can be called scientific, considered in the light of the responsibility that the researcher takes in critical terms towards the reality being analyzed  and self-criticism against the activity carried out, in order to avoid the risks associated with easy exploitations or suspected inactivity.

Keywords: role, social scientist, sociology of law, scientific knowledge

Violence de l’état en Afrique
State violence in Africa

di Jean-Claude Angoula
DOI: 10.4399/97888255243387

Abstract: This article aims to return to the lively and fascinating debate of two decades ago between two authors, Achille Mbembe and Patrick Chabal, on the definition of the concept of violence in political terms. Achille Mbembe supports the thesis of the causal relationship between three phenomena, namely the exercise of power and coercion, the production of violence and the dynamics of accumulation. However, according to him, it is necessary to pose the problem from the African “symbolic sites”, and not “pseudo-scientific discourses which, in the field of political and economic analysis, claim to summarize Africa of a single word: crisis ” .

Keywords: politics, political violence, sociology, crisis

La sociologia del derecho y la investigacion social
Sociology of law and social investigation

di Claudia Roxana Dorado
DOI: 10.4399/97888255243388

Abstract (ESP): En este artículo se reflexiona sobre la formación, constitución y consolidación de la enseñanza de la Sociología Jurídica en el ámbito de la Cátedra de Sociología en la Facultad de Derecho, de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (UNC), República Argentina.  La catedra de Sociología en la Facultad de Derecho de la UNC fue creada en 1907, pasando por la misma distintos profesores, con distintas posiciones teóricas y prácticas, cada uno de ellos incorporan su impronta y fueron constituyendo un campo de formación así como una forma de investigación jurídica o sociológico jurídica. En los inicios la Cátedra se denominó “Sociología” y pasó a denominarse “Sociología Jurídica” con la Reforma del Plan de Estudios del año 2000. En este contexto resulta interesante reflexionar sobre las figuras, obras, temas y corrientes intelectuales preponderantes a mas de 100 años de creación de la Cátedra de Sociología en la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.

Keywords: Cátedra de Sociología Jurídica, corrientes intelectuales, investigación social